Phone's still broken. I'm on break now. Been getting into learning about Cyraxx, a goblin of Akron -nemesis of King Marty.
Anyways, I'm chewing on a straw from a Yoo-hoo box, in bed. Doin' okay. Gonna draw I think. Just wanted to say I'm alive.
Aspie with Cerebral Palsy who has a pipe dream of going to art school debt free to learn animation!
Trade School Student
“Graphic Design is My Passion”
Cornfields of Ohio
Joined on 10/14/23
Posted by Salingley - November 18th, 2023
My brain's not okie-dokie mentally. Apathy and dissociation hit harddd.... And there's not really an easy way to post art... Sorry.
The only thing I can say to offer a consolation is the fact I saw that thing. Y'know the thing I saw on the way to my dad. This time with my friend, and he sketched it out too. He saw the same thing as me. We both can say it's got a wide mouth and a dead stare - because it was looking right at us when we were hanging out after school...
Posted by Salingley - November 6th, 2023
I'm kinda surprised you guys found me, feels like I have exploded to the front page (I can only be so wishful).
I can't really post art due to my phone being broken, but I hope I can be a way you guys can find cool art through my favourites.
Note for laughs: I sure am a flesh automaton with a left-sided handicap.
Posted by Salingley - November 5th, 2023
My phone broke after dropping it in a panic attack after missing my bus home, so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- thank god for insurance...
I'm usin' my computer, which kinda sucks, but eh. I just need Mavis Beacon to prep my Hemipelagic-Cerebral Palsy-self for war.
Posted by Salingley - October 26th, 2023
Went to my dad’s yesterday. Things were pretty good, drew the whole time and we listened to music
The drive was pretty awkward, something that ran out through the road. It was kinda just jaunting though the woods. Tried to draw it from memory, anyone know what the heck this is?
Posted by Salingley - October 20th, 2023
So, I’m not doing so well. My mom’s depressed, and it’s kinda been affecting me. Like a massive domino effect.
I might post a mini-comic that I’m making for her to laugh,
Also, I’m not going to National Portfolio Day, cuz planning it kinda slipped my mind… and it’s a two hour drive… but I have the internet, which is a great source of critique and help!
And my friends and I are going to have a massive horror movie watch party, so that’s gonna be fun!
(Here’s an honest shoebill reaction.)